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sources and acknowledgements

A major source of art for this site is Wotart.com. Jillian Sico has done a tremendous work; her goal is apparently to collect info of everybody who's drawn anything WOT-related. She provides all links with thorough comments, which are a pleasant reading by themselves. Jillian is very modest (I'd say "the humblest on the net" - pity that this title is owned by Mr.Novak already ;). She draws very nice portraits and icons, but puts a link to her own page deeply in the section of "Novices/Soldiers", and says no commentary at all. Just think, would you be so generous to do something like this? :)

Another source of much material is Elfwood. Art of literally *thousands* of amateur fantasy artists is hosted there! Every artist's page has some basic personal information, links, email, and a board to leave comments (this is especially important, when an email address dies - they do, too often).

rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan. This usenet newsgroup is a large and most ancient community, that gives us The WOTFAQ (need I to say more?) As to the art, some of the best artists are (or were) living there, and it is always a good place to request information and advice. Maggie maintains a huge archive of rasfwrjians.

Bill Garrett's site - it not only hosts some very talented artists, but also it is indeed a "Repository of WoT-fandom": a major connection to old circles of Jordanites, lore of our mighty ancestors ;). Many of the external links are already dead, but there are much to see at the site itself.

DragonMount, Wotism, and Wotmania: general-purpose WoT sites with large art sections. Many of the fan artists can't be found anywhere else.

GOOGLE. Probably should be first in this list :).


First of all, many thanks to all the contributors: people who draw such wonderful pictures!

...Oh no. First of all, we should thank Mr.Jordan, of course. And Harriet. And their parents, and grandparents, and their ancestors... without whom this site would never be created, because there would be nothing to talk about.

Well... After them all, my cordial gratitude to the co-maintainer, Freddy. I was about to drop the project unfinished, because it seemed to be too much work and I had too little time. I asked help in the Russian RJ forum, and Freddy wrote me immediately. He was very eager to do anything he could, and if not for him, this site would never be opened. (Actually, he would do even much more, but I usually failed to give him right tasks at the right time :). Freddy did an important thing: lifted a part of boring work from my shoulders, and this gave me strength for some creativity and public relations :).

Also I'd like to thank the whole population of the above mentioned Russian RJ forum, who encouraged us and wouldn't allow to stop :). (The forum is currently down. A temporary substitution is here.) Letters of Hedin and Yuksare gave me the very first idea of the site, they are always ready to support and cheer up. ValeRa offered assistance, though it happened that he couldn't continue. Lis gave detailed suggestions on the structure of the site, in the very beginning. Mauhuur works on a mirror of the site. Mairyn and Oook suggested some interesting links. AL gives valuable pieces of advice (such as, what is "digital art" and why it is senseless to mention these arcane words ;).

The most difficult task, as it occured, was to find and contact all the artists. I managed to track down most of them, but some of the best seemed to be totally lost, at some point. I wanted to make special pages for five of my favorite artists - and only one of them showed a working email on the net! I'm very grateful to people who made possible communication with the others. Jason Denzel of DragonMount asked pOE and James Beveridge to write to me. I'm pretty sure, that without this help it would be quite impossible to find them. Karl-Johan Noren helped me with Helena Zeegers. I don't mention here many kind people who were ready to help, but knew no more than I did.

Yandex hosts the site. The main service of this company is a search engine, and also it gives a free hosting at Narod to everybody, with 100 Mb of space and a very modest form of advertising (no pop-up windows or other nasty thingies). It works rather slowly sometimes, but at least always stable.


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