commented in English
aren't finished yet. Everything below temporarily points to links commented in Russian. Anyway, all links have English names and icons.
[ Fantasy Art ]
[ WoT Art ]
[ English WoT resources ]
[ Russian WoT resources ]
[ Other National WoT resources ]
[ Links of the Contributors ]
с описанием по-русски

[ Арт по фэнтези ]
[ Арт по Колесу Времени ]
[ Сайты по Колесу: русские ]
[ Сайты по Колесу: англоязычные ]
[ Сайты разных народов по Колесу ]
[ Сайты художников, чьи
работы лежат у нас

Thanks to Mairyn for some pointers, and to Oook for some commented links and corrections.

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